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A Crood Life

Writer: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles


There was a popular show “back in the day” titled The Beverly Hillbillies. Perhaps you remember Jed Clampett, Granny, Jethro & Ellie Mae. But for those who don’t, the theme song tells the story of old Jed going hunting and striking oil, black gold, Texas tea! So, these simple living folks end up moving to Beverly Hills and to a whole new existence.

But what I liked about the show was this - even though the Clampetts moved to fancier surroundings, their surroundings didn’t change them. In fact, they began to rub off on some of the people they encountered, making friends along the way, and we all discovered that at the core of what it means to be human, we are more similar than different.

For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.

Romans 12:4-5, NRSV

In the movie Croods: A New Age (our Friday Food Fest movie) we find the first family of cavemen navigating through life and stumbling upon a new world. A world where the Bettermans lived (emphasis on “Better!”). It’s a whole new world for the Croods, and a whole new kind of people for the Bettermans. The movie takes several twists and turns and, in the end, both the Croods and the Bettermans learn the value of “the pack stays together!” I bet you’re already coming up with some good theological themes!

Join us this Sunday as we talk about spiritual themes from the movie that will help us to journey through this life together, whether you’re a Crood or a Betterman! To register for worship, you can sign up at: . You can also join us online at 10:00am. For online worship go to

Remember, for those who are fully vaccinated, masks are not required inside or out. Those who are not fully vaccinated, and children who are not vaccinated, should continue to wear masks. Our ultimate goal is to do no harm, so if you are not feeling well, we are trusting that you will worship with us online.

We want to thank our children and youth, and of course Ms. Bobbi, for the wonderful skit last Sunday on the fiery furnace and trusting in God. And a shout out to Amee Colvin for popsicles and the ice cream truck!

Please keep Lucy Broeker and family in prayer on the passing of her mother, Virginia Kirkpatrick. Also, let us pray for the Irwin family in the passing of Bobbi’s nephew, Benjamin Ervin. May the Spirit of our Living God bring comfort to these families.


Pastor Linda


1 Comment

Unknown member
Jul 09, 2021

Looking forward to your sermon, Pastor Linda. While 'pack loyalty' is desirable in nature as well as the church, the health of the whole must not be jeopardized by apostate individuals. In Matthew 7:23 Jesus says, "I never knew you" to those who practice lawlessness. We church members have a holy obligation to hold each other accountable in order to protect the integrity of our witness - easy to say, hard to do! May God give you courage.

We are an Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Minds UMC dedicated to making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  




10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

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