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All Saints Sunday

Writer: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles

As I write this on November 1, it is All Saints Day. A day when we pause to remember those who have impacted our lives and our faith, and who are now resting from their labor. I think about my parents and grandparents. But I also remember Sunday School teachers like Ms. Ida Quarles, who only stood about four feet tall, but she was a giant in my eyes! Her words and her witness stick with me today. She and many others surround us as a cloud of witnesses.

There have been beloved pastors, teachers, pew mates, church friends who have played an important role in our faith development, sometimes without even saying a word. Maybe it was the lady sitting in front of you who always passed a piece of candy to your child when they started getting antsy in church. Or perhaps the usher who remembered “your” seat. Or the choir director who took extra time to help you hit that note. Precious memories.

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. 

Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 

Heb 13:7-8

In Hebrews 13 the writer is calling the believing Hebrews to make sure that they do certain things that all believers should do. Things such as love one another, show hospitality to strangers (foreigners) for by doing so you may be entertaining angels and not even know it. Honor your marriage, don’t let money rule you, and be content with what you have.

Then in verse 7 the writer exhorts them to remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you. That’s what All Saints Sunday is all about. It’s a sacred time of holding dear those who have led us in our spiritual development. All of the God-loving folks who showed us how to live a holy life in a broken world. Their faith spoke volumes into our lives. Now it is up to us to pass it on to others. To share our faith, to encourage someone with a word of hope, to take joy everywhere we go. The world needs it, our families need it, and we all need a reminder at times that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Join us this Sunday as we remember and honor saints of the church. The sermon title: Pass it On. If you can’t make it in person, please join us online at

Pledges to Date total $170,000 in one week! If you did not have a chance to submit your pledge card, there’s still time. Please bring or mail it to the church office or bring it on any Sunday and place it in the Pledge Box. We will close the pledge period on November 24. Thank you for your ongoing support of the ministries of Green Trails. Together you are making a difference in the lives of many!

Trunk or Treat Thanks! Thank you to all who brought trunks, candy, or served as engagers. You made an impact on this community. And a special thanks to the United Methodist Men for the hot dogs!

New After School Program! GT is planning to launch an after-school program, the Children’s Defense Fund initiative, 2 days a week in 2025. We are in the final planning stages and will hold an informational meeting tomorrow, Saturday, November 2, from 10-11:00am in the lower-level Library. The congregation is invited to stop by and hear more about Trekkers, then sign up to volunteer, spread the word to parents, or both! It will be for middle and high schoolers.

WOW! This Wednesday we will continue to discuss the book: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero. If you’ve ever had your emotions get the best of you, this class is for you! If you’ve ever experienced grief or loss, this class is for you! How do we deal with our emotions in a healthy, spiritual way? Let’s talk about it! This semester we’re doing a joint class with Union Memorial, so we are offering in-house as well as a Zoom option. The newsletter and website have the Zoom information if you prefer. The in-house gathering will include a potluck meal at 5:45p and the class will go from 6:30-7:30p. 

Celebrate with Jeffrey! Our wonderful Music and Worship Director of 15 years, Dr. Jeffrey Heyl, is taking another position. His last Sunday will be All Saints Day, November 3. After the glorious worship celebration that day, we will celebrate his excellent ministry here at GT! Let’s show our love and appreciation for him and his years of service. There will be an opportunity to bless the next leg of his journey with your words, cards, and gifts of love. 

Veterans Day Next Sunday, November 10, we will honor all Veterans in worship, followed by a light brunch. Thank you for your sacrifice!

Vision for 2024:

A House United:

Strong Faith, Strong Families, Strong Future!


Pastor Linda



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