In 1985, a movie titled "Back to the Future” was released. The movie starred Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, a teenager who was not happy with his dysfunctional family nor with his own ambitions that seemed to be going nowhere. McFly is accidentally sent back 30 years in time in a DeLorean built by Doc Brown. McFly almost prevents his future parents from falling in love, which threatened his own existence. He manages to reconcile his parents, get back to the future, only to discover that his parents are happy and his siblings are thriving. At the end of the movie, Doc comes back in the DeLorean to recruit McFly and his girlfriend to go with him into the future in order to save their future children. The movie has become a classic, with two sequels.
McFly spent his time trying to get back to 1985, back to the future. But it was his trip back to 1955 that gave him greater insight into his life. And as we look at the church called Green Trails in 2024, it is good for us to take a stroll back in order to live into our future. Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish philosopher, once said that life is lived forward, but only understood backward. Sounds a little like Marty McFly’s adventure!
Take the Apostle Paul. All of his education and training prepared him to be used mightily by God. The zeal that he had for spreading the Gospel can only be understood when you look back at his zeal for his spiritual education and his zeal for killing those who followed Jesus. Paul couldn’t reconcile the two. But God took that same zeal and used it to drive his true calling, setting him out on a new mission, thereby influencing generations to come who would read his writings (including us!).
Sometimes a snapshot of the past spurs us on to a brighter future. When doing research on my ancestry, I came across a distant relative whose occupation was Minister. Who knew? But when I saw that, it gave me goosebumps to think that I am walking in the future of their past. Our ancestors have prayed, served the Lord, and given to the Lord throughout generations. It is because of their faithfulness and commitment to the future that we are able to worship at Green Trails.
I’ve heard stories of Betsy Hamra and Sarilda Blake who met in a local grocery store. Betsy learned that Sarilda’s family had just moved to the area and invited her to come to her church that was meeting in a school. That church was the UMC of Green Trails. And now, at the beautiful age of 91, Sarilda beams when she retells that story! She’s looking back and still walking in the future of that past encounter.
So, what if you could go back in time to see your future? Believe it or not, God has a lot to say about your future.
“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
Jeremiah 29:11, MSG
Wow! God says that he has everything planned out for your life, and it is going to be what you hoped for! How does He know that? He’s God…He created you. Let’s see just how far we can get without a 1985 DeLorean Time Machine…
“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before
a single day had passed.”
Psalm 139:16, NLT
The days of your life were prepared before you’d even lived one day. God knows every single detail about your life, in fact, He’s planned it all out. Doc (in the movie) said that your future hasn’t been written, but God says He’s already written it. The truth that we can learn from this movie is that what we do today determines how our future will turn out. What the saints of old did for the church is what has helped to shape how the church is now. And the choices and decisions we make today will affect how our lives (and the church) will be in the future.
That’s the beauty of Pledge Sunday, or Commitment Sunday. It allows us to contemplate how we can help propel GT into the future. This church started in 1967 with a handful of people. And in 2024 she’s still going strong! Still worshiping, still baptizing, confirming, marrying and yes, burying. The rhythm of church life continues on for future generations! Back to the future!
The Lord is inviting us into a glorious future! One that He has prepared beforehand according to Ephesians…
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2:10
Friends, may we glean from our past to help guide us in the present, so that we may bring the next generation into a glorious future!
Join us this Sunday as we conclude the sermon series on Bridge Building. This Sunday’s title: Back to the Future. If you can’t make it in person, please join us online at
Pledge Sunday is this Sunday, October 27. If you received your pledge card for 2025, please pray and ask the Lord about how you can be a part of Green Trails’ future through your generosity in the present. God has truly blessed this church, and it is because of the faithful and generous giving of the body over the years! We will gather the pledge cards on October 27, pray over them, and ask God to bless each pledge. Then top the morning off with a Celebration Lunch! If you need more time to complete your pledge, please turn them in to the church office at your earliest convenience. We know that we get pledge cards after Pledge Sunday, and that’s fine. The prayer will be for all pledges. To God be the glory!
Trunk or Treat Engagers If you can give us an hour at Trunk or Treat to meet and greet parents who come, that would be a blessing! Imagine having over a hundred parents on our grounds, many of whom have no church family. Let’s show up, engage them, and tell them the wonderful ways they can find hope and joy at GT! This Sunday from 3:30-5:30p.
WOW! Just a few weeks left to join us on Wednesdays as we discuss the book: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero. If you’ve ever had your emotions get the best of you, this class is for you! If you’ve ever experienced grief or loss, this class is for you! How do we deal with our emotions in a healthy, spiritual way? Let’s talk about it! This semester we’re doing a joint class with Union Memorial, so we are offering in-house as well as a Zoom option. The newsletter and website have the Zoom information if you prefer. The in-house gathering will include a potluck meal at 5:45p and the class will go from 6:30-7:30p.
Celebrate with Jeffrey! Our wonderful Music and Worship Director of 15 years, Dr. Jeffrey Heyl, is taking another position. His last Sunday will be All Saints Day, November 3. After the glorious worship celebration that day, we will celebrate his glorious ministry here at GT! Let’s show our love and appreciation for him and his years of service. There will be an opportunity to bless the next leg of his journey with your words, cards, and gifts of love.
Vision for 2024:
A House United:
Strong Faith, Strong Families, Strong Future!
Pastor Linda