Athletes use food as fuel. They know just what they need to eat and when to eat in order to achieve the results that they want. For instance, when trying to gain weight they eat every 2-3 hours. They focus on eating more carbohydrates. They avoid appetite suppressants such as alcohol and tobacco. They always have a bedtime snack that fuels their body through the night (sorry, but chocolate chip cookies don’t count!). They are mindful of eating quantities of needed nutrients so that their body is always ready to burn energy. It’s called “bulking up.”
Well, we’re going to have our annual church picnic this Sunday, and no doubt there will be some bulking up! BBQ meats, baked beans, veggies, and oh, the desserts. Don’t forget to dress comfortably, so that you don’t have to loosen your belt!
But there’s another kind of bulking up. After all, if bulking up on food gives our bodies fuel, then it stands to reason that bulking up on the Word of God would do the same. Listen to what Jesus once told the devil:
Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested by the devil. 2 He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterward He was famished. 3 The tempter came and said to Him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.”
4 But He answered, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Matthew 4:1-4
The devil had his mind on physical food because Jesus was hungry after fasting for forty days and nights. But Jesus had a different kind of food in mind. One that feeds the soul. You see, we are more than just physical beings. We are spiritual beings as well as physical beings. And just as the physical side needs nourishment, so does the spiritual nature. That’s what Jesus was talking about. The kind of food that gives you energy when you’re worn down. It strengthens you when you’re weak. It refreshes you when you’re parched. The Word of God.
Have you ever stopped to think that we have access to the words that came from the mouth of God? If you have a Bible, then you have God’s words spoken through Moses, David, the prophets, the disciples, and Jesus Himself! Friends, we have a 66-course meal chock full of nourishment and nutrients for whatever ails you. It’s full of appetizers like Song of Solomon that tantalize you with the beauty of love. There are entrees like Genesis, Job, and the Gospels. And something meaty to chew on, our meat and potatoes, such as Romans and Revelation. There are the Epistles which are like veggies – some of them we like and others we don’t want to eat, but they’re all good for you. And we can top it off with dessert, the Psalms, all 150 flavors!
And when we begin to bulk up on the Word, we experience a kind of energy and vitality that drives us, compels us to do even more for the Lord. The more voracious your appetite, the stronger and more mature you become. Rather than merely reading the Word, you are absorbing the Word, digesting it, letting it become a part of your being.
What trips us up many times is settling for “fast food.” Things that don’t have the proper amount of nutrients to satisfy us. We run from this drug to that drug, from this diet to that diet, from this church to that church, and still we are not satisfied because we’re living on empty calories.
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread and your earnings for that which does not satisfy?Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food.
Isaiah 55:2
Church, if you look around, you will see that the world is in a state of chaos. It’s hard to know who to trust, what to trust, and where to go to get the truth. But there’s one place that will never let you down because it is the truth. And that’s the Word of God.
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
And just like Wonder Bread builds strong bodies 8 ways, when we read the Word of God, it gets down into our soul and spirit, our spiritual joints and marrow, and it gives us wisdom and strength and joy! It builds us up individually, but also it builds up the body of Christ. When we stand and proclaim Scripture together, it shows our oneness in Christ. It is the Word of God for the people of God, thanks be to God! May we feast on the Word daily, devour it wholeheartedly, and bulk up!
Join me on Sunday as we continue the sermon series on Body Building, building the body of Christ. This Sunday is Bulk Up! Bring your appetite and get fed twice – once in worship and then at the picnic!
Church Picnic immediately after worship. If the weather holds out, we’ll be in the Prayer Garden in the back. If not, then we’ll be in the MPR downstairs. There’s still time to sign up if you want to bring something. Just go to our website: Whether you bring anything or not, please join us. There’s always plenty of food!
Membership Sunday is being rescheduled for September 29. That’s when we will receive new members into the body of Christ and the faith community of Green Trails! If you have been considering joining, transferring your membership, or reaffirming your membership vows, this is your Sunday! No need to let me know in advance, just come on down at the appropriate time, and let’s build the kingdom of God together!
Back to Church Sunday will also be on September 29! This is a national celebration of returning to church. We have Back to School, so why not Back to Church? Summer’s winding down, we’re getting into our Fall rhythms, why not include church as a part of that? It’s the perfect time to invite folks to your church!
WOW is back! Join us on Wednesdays as we discuss the book: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero. If you’ve ever had your feelings hurt by anyone, at any time, in your life, ever, this class is for you! If you’ve ever experienced grief or loss, this class is for you! How do we deal with our emotions in a healthy, spiritual way? Let’s talk about it! This semester we’re doing a joint class with Union Memorial, so we are offering in-house as well as a Zoom option. The newsletter has the Zoom information if you prefer. The in-house gathering will include a potluck meal at 5:45p and the class will go from 6:30-7:30p.
Coffee with the Pastor The next one will be on Tuesday, October 1, from 10:00-11:00am. Stop by the church for a little coffee and conversation with me. I would love for us to talk about questions you might have and get to know one another better! I’ll be upstairs in the lobby, near the coffee pot!
Vision for 2024:
A House United:
Strong Faith, Strong Families, Strong Future!
Pastor Linda