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God in 3D Trinity Sunday

Writer: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles
Theme for 2023: Faith Forward – The Year of Extraordinary Faith!

Do you remember black and white televisions? I know, I’m dating myself! Then they came out with these colorful film screens with blue, reddish-orange, and green stripes. The screen attached to your TV, and made it “look” like it was in color. That is if you live in a world of only blue, orange, and green! Then someone invented color TVs. Whew!

And we were content with 2-dimensional movies and shows until someone invented 3D film. The earliest known 3D film was in the early 1900s and progressed to modern-day movies such as Avatar. Now we have virtual reality goggles that put you in the scene! You need special glasses to view it, but the cinematography makes everything seem to jump off of the screen. It seems as though you can reach out and touch it, and it could reach out and touch you! The action is up close and personal, transporting you into another world. Sometimes you can’t tell the virtual becomes the reality and you become one with the action.

We serve a 3D God. One God manifested in 3 dimensions: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three dimensions, but one God. Three persons, but one God.

The Trinity is a doctrine of the UMC that remains a mystery to all of us. We can grasp the concept of the Creator God, the One who made heaven and earth, people and animals, and even mosquitos (why, God, why?). And we can grasp the concept of Jesus walking this earth. Some may even grasp the concept of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of God. But the concept of all three being the one and same God, well, that’s a mystery that we take by faith.

Join us for worship this Sunday as we celebrate Trinity Sunday. You can worship in-person or you can also join us online at 10:00am. For online worship go to

Assisted Listening Devices are available to anyone who needs an extra boost in hearing worship service. We have quite a few available. Just go to the sound booth and request one.

WOW (our weekly Bible study) will be on summer break until August. But don’t forget that we have RightNow Media! The program has thousands of Bible studies for every age level. And the subscription is free to you! If you don’t have an account but would like to sign up, just drop me an email:

Annual Conference The MO Annual Conference will be in St. Charles for the next two years! That means you can see what happens when every Missouri pastor, district superintendent, lay delegate, and the Bishop gather in one room to conference and do the work of the church! There will be a Memorial Service, Retirement Service, and Ordination Service over the course of the weekend. The dates this year are June 9-11. Visitors can attend sessions for free. NOTE: On Friday, June 9 at 7:00pm, there will be a FREE concert by the Grammy Award winning Gospel artist Bebe Winans! For more information, including the agenda, click on this link: AGENDA — MOAC23 (

Many Voices, One God In the month of June you’ll have the opportunity to hear many voices expound on our great God! I’ll preach on the first Sunday, and here’s the rest of the lineup:

6/11 Rev. Rocky Marlowe

6/18 Scott Lambert (Father’s Day)

6/25 Rev. G-Gay Harris

What a blessing to hear what the Lord will say through His servants!

Zufan Hailemariam, our Business Manager, will be leaving her position in mid-June and starting a new chapter. We will have a celebration for her to honor her eleven years of dedicated service to GT and bless her as she goes forth! The celebration will be on June 18 after worship.

Stay in the Know! Don’t forget to pick up this month’s Memory Verse Card and the printed newsletter at the Welcome Center or the Coffee Station. Just our way of helping you to stay in the know!


Pastor Linda

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