My husband and I love to take road trips. Does anyone remember the Trip Tix maps from AAA? You would let them know your destination and they would plan your trip for you by tracing it along a map. Not MapQuest or Google Maps, but a good old-fashioned hard copy, paper map! I used to love looking at maps. You could see all sorts of interesting towns and places along the way and maybe take a side trip to see something that caught your eye.
Well, the invention of the cell phone and map apps has changed all of that. We now have the entire map of the world in a device smaller than a brick! No more huge maps that you have to fold and unfold and refold as best you can. No more pouring over them before the trip to make sure you know where you’re going. Nope! Just turn on the phone, plug in the destination, and off you go.
Until you hit a patch called a “dead zone.” What does it mean? Your signal goes dead, caput, it’s gone. That actually happened to me on the road, way out in no man’s land. We were just driving along when the app stopped working. It just had that buffering picture that kept circling and circling. You know the one! I panicked because I didn’t know the way to where I was going. I was out in an unknown wilderness with no landmarks that were familiar. I was totally dependent on this little piece of machinery to know the way. So, I did what I knew to do. I just kept on driving.
Eventually the signal came back, and I discovered that I had missed my exit, which meant that the app had to reroute me and get me back on the right path. So, then I started printing out the MapQuest route AND using my phone’s app. Just in case the signal got lost again.
Maybe you have or are currently going through a time of being lost. Not quite knowing which way is the best way. Which way is the most productive way. Which way is God’s way. Oh, it happens to all of us at some point in our lives. Those times when we feel as though we’re in the wilderness, a fish out of water, not knowing which way is up. We’ve lost our way; the signal is lost.
Well, phone signals come from something called a cell tower. And if you get too far away from a tower, you won’t be able to get a good signal. The same could be said for our spiritual journey. When we lose our way spiritually, perhaps we need to look for a tower…
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run into it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10
When you’ve lost your way, run to the tower of power, our Lord, who is strong and mighty! Jesus is with you in the deepest, darkest valley and He’ll put you back on the right path. We are never alone, not even in the wilderness, because we have Emmanuel, God with us!
Join us this Sunday as we continue the sermon series: Lost and Found. This week’s sermon, Signal Lost, will help you to find your way in the wilderness of life.
Anniversary Worship & Luncheon on Sunday, Nov. 5! The culmination of our year-long celebration of 55 years of fruitful ministry at Green Trails. Our guest preacher will be Rev. Dr. Antonio Settles, Sr. Pastor of Union Memorial UMC (& a personal friend of mine!). During worship we will also recognize All Saints Sunday with the United Women of Faith’s candle lighting ceremony and calling of names. After worship we will feast together at our Anniversary Luncheon. Tickets are only $15! Please make your reservations either on our website or with Jei Evans after worship or: jei@umcgt.org. Let’s celebrate God’s blessing of 55 years!
55 for 55 Our anniversary fundraising goal is $55,000 in honor of 55 years of faithful service and generosity. I invite you to consider how you will participate in giving. Whether it’s $5, $500, or some multiple of 5, no gift is too small (or too large!). There is a line for 55 Anniversary giving on our e-giving site, or you can write “Anniversary” on the memo line of your check. Let’s celebrate 55 for 55!
Children’s Sabbath will be observed this Sunday. We will lift up our children and youth, and they will be part of the worship celebration, as we live into our vision of empowering new generations! Bring all the kiddos you can and let’s show them how much they are loved.
Trunk or Treat on Oct. 22, 3:30-5:30pm. Sign up, show up, and serve up some treats to the kiddos! We usually have a couple hundred kids come out, but don’t worry we’ll have extra candy on hand! And if you would like to donate candy that would be great too.
WOW Bible Study! We have 2 new classes from which to choose – Lea Doyel will lead a class on forgiveness, and Rod Harris will lead one based on outcasts in the book of Luke. Both classes will run for six weeks. Dinner is at 5:45p (potluck) and classes are from 6:30-7:30pm.
Leadership Board Meeting on Monday, Oct. 23, 6:30 pm in Rm 121.
Next State of the Church will be on Saturday, Oct. 28, 10:00a in MPR.
Stay in the Know! Don’t forget to pick up this month’s information at the Welcome Center or the Coffee Station. Just our way of helping you to stay in the know!
Worship With Us ~ Sundays at 10:00am
14237 Ladue Rd.
Chesterfield, MO 63017
Sunday School for all ages at 9:00am!
Pastor Linda