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The Biggest Loser


There was a TV show that debuted in 2004 and went on for eighteen seasons. It was a competition reality show that rewarded folks for losing the most weight compared to their initial weight. So, the season would start with a weigh-in, then weigh-ins would come throughout the show, just to see where everyone stood. At the end of the season, the biggest loser (of weight) was the biggest winner. So, you had to lose in order to win.

Jesus had something to say on that as well…

For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.

Mark 8:35

Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

John 12:25

There’s something about losing that we don’t like. Nobody likes to lose relationships, jobs, homes, cars, or money. But in these texts, we hear Jesus telling the disciples, and us, that we must lose our life in order to save our life. So, just like the show The Biggest Loser, you have to lose in order to win.

But what does it mean to lose your life? I’m reminded of the caterpillar. Maybe you’ve seen one crawling along a tree. Fuzzy, little creatures. Some think they’re cute and others think they look like fuzzy worms. But the caterpillar knows something that we don’t. One day it will completely lose its present state and emerge as a beautiful butterfly! But in order for that to happen, it must lose its caterpillar life and push through the cocoon, allowing the butterfly within to come out!

We, too, have to let go of some things in order to follow Christ! We must be prepared to obey God’s word and follow His will no matter what the consequences, for the sake of the gospel. It’s not a popular concept because remember nobody likes to lose anything. But Jesus clearly states that losers are keepers. What a paradox!

If the caterpillar stays in the cocoon, it will die a caterpillar. But if it loses itself, pushes through the painful process of metamorphosis like all of the butterflies who came before it, then it will live.

For us humans, in order to keep your life you have to lose it. Lose it for the sake of Jesus. Lose it and you will gain eternal life. A person who keeps their life in order to satisfy desires and goals apart from God ultimately loses life anyway. Not only does that person lose eternal life, but they lose the fullness of life in the present promised to those who believe.

Are you ready to find true life? Life here in the present and in the life to come? Do you have a few things you can shed in order to live a life that is pleasing to God? Are you ready to be the biggest loser?

Join us this Sunday as we conclude the sermon series: Lost and Found. This week’s sermon, The Biggest Loser, will help you to see how losing your life will save your very soul!

Our Condolences to the family of our beloved and long-time member, Harold (Ginny) Potts, who transitioned to glory on October 20. His memorial service will be held in the Chapel of Friendship Village on Friday, Nov. 3, 6:30pm. May God bless the family.

Anniversary Worship & Luncheon on Sunday, Nov. 5! The culmination of our year-long celebration of 55 years of fruitful ministry at Green Trails. Our guest preacher will be Rev. Dr. Antonio Settles, Sr. Pastor of Union Memorial UMC (& a personal friend of mine!). During worship we will also recognize All Saints Sunday with the United Women of Faith’s candle lighting ceremony and calling of names. After worship we will feast together at our Anniversary Luncheon. Tickets are only $15! Please make your reservations either on our website or with Jei Evans after worship or: Let’s celebrate God’s blessing of 55 years!

55 for 55 We’re getting there! Our anniversary fundraising goal is $55,000 in honor of 55 years of faithful service and generosity. Whether it’s $5, $500, or some multiple of 5, no gift is too small (or too large!). There is a line for 55 Anniversary giving on our e-giving site, or you can write “Anniversary” on the memo line of your check. Let’s celebrate 55 for 55!

Trunk or Treat Thanks to all who participated and to Jei for coordinating! We had close to two hundred children, plus their parents. What a blessing to the community!

WOW Bible Study! We have 2 new classes from which to choose – Lea Doyel leads a class on forgiveness, and Rod Harris is leading one based on outcasts in the book of Luke. Both classes will run for six weeks. Dinner is at 5:45p (potluck) and classes are from 6:30-7:30pm.

Next State of the Church will be on Saturday, Oct. 28, 10:00a in MPR. You’ll hear updates on ministry and finances, plus we have a little something extra for you!

Stay in the Know! Don’t forget to pick up this month’s information at the Welcome Center or the Coffee Station. Just our way of helping you to stay in the know!

Worship With Us ~ Sundays at 10:00am


14237 Ladue Rd.

Chesterfield, MO 63017



Sunday School for all ages at 9:00am!


Pastor Linda

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