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Trail Talk-December 11, 2024

Writer: jei614jei614

This Week!

Tuesday, December 10

10AM-Multipurpose Room

Tai Chi

Wednesday, December 11

5:45PM-WOW Potluck


Everyday Advent

Pastor Linda Settles

Friday, December 13

Angel Tree Gifts Due

Please put on Giving Table downstairs

Thank you!!

Saturday, December 14


Sunday, December 15

Caroling for the Homebound

3-5PM-Meet at Church

Click HERE to let me know which you prefer!

Sunday, December 15

9AM-Small Groups

Beans and Bags-Room 204

Children's Cafe-Room 206

Youth Group-Room 210

 In the Word-Room 108



Unstoppable Joy

Dr. Linda Settles

12:30PM-Multipurpose Room

Advent Adventures!

The Green Trails Elementary Choir will sing holiday songs for us. Then we’ll enjoy pizza and hot chocolate while we paint faces, decorate cookies, create ornaments and more! Bring the whole family! 

Next Sunday

Children’s Pageant!

Monday, December 16

6PM-Multipurpose Room

Alcohol Inks Class with Victoria

Tuesday, December 17

10AM-Multipurpose Room

Tai Chi

Wednesday, December 18

5:45PM-WOW Potluck


Everyday Advent

Pastor Linda Settles

Thursday, December 19


Glory Ringers Rehearsal

Green Trails Elementary Choir will come to sing a selection of holiday music! Join us for food, face painting, ornament making, cookies decorating and more!
Green Trails Elementary Choir will come to sing a selection of holiday music! Join us for food, face painting, ornament making, cookies decorating and more!

Please Note! Advent Adventures will be held INSIDE in the Multipurpose room.



SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 10AM- Children's Christmas Presentation

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 5PM-Candelight Christmas Eve Service

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 10AM-2PM-All Church Work Day

MONDAY, DECEMBER 30 10AM-2PM-All Church Work Day

THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 2:30PM-6PM-Trekkers Open House

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 3PM- Soltau Series Bach Concert-with Dr. Jeffrey Heyl!



We are going caroling!

I am arranging caroling to our homebound parishioners. It works like this: We meet up at church on a specified date and divide into two groups. Each group will get a map to drive to two/three houses and then end at a retirement community. At each house, you get out, ring the doorbell and sing a few songs. (sometimes they invite us in to sing and sometimes they don't-it just depends.) At the retirement community you go to the person's personal apartment or room. Oftentimes a group will gather, which is why we usually end there because that visit takes the longest. I will provide lyric sheets and we'll just sing the standards. Please let me know which date is best for you. We will go with the date that has the most responses. Thank you!!

Click Here to let me know if you're available this Saturday or Sunday?



Are available for purchase for $10 each and you can select white or red. Plants will be on display in the sanctuary Sunday, December 15 until the Christmas Eve service, at which point you may take your home! Contact Jane Durrell or sign up in the narthex!


Haven House is a resting spot for out of town families who have loved ones in the the hospital long term.  Please help us resupply their kitchens! Donations may be left on the Giving Table downstairs or on the long cabinet in the Narthex. Thank you!
Haven House is a resting spot for out of town families who have loved ones in the the hospital long term. Please help us resupply their kitchens! Donations may be left on the Giving Table downstairs or on the long cabinet in the Narthex. Thank you!


Missed out on Giving Tuesday?

No problem! There's still time to donate!

Imagine how life-changing it is for a child to feel seen, heard, and valued. That’s what we’re making happen together! Through recreation, life skills, and wellness activities, young people will experience the joy of childhood and have the tools to thrive in life!

We have been promised $17,500 by the Children's Defense Fund and the Missouri Methodist Conference! But in order to receive those funds, we must raise an equal amount. Please help us reach this goal by giving today. This money will go directly to our Trekkers program which provides for the wellness of children and youth.

Sunday we talked about what Trekkers is: a safe space for middle and high school kids to come after school to get help with their homework, play games, eat snacks, and just hang out! Many of you have expressed an interest in helping out and/or teaching a life skill.  Please sign up for a time to help out!
Sunday we talked about what Trekkers is: a safe space for middle and high school kids to come after school to get help with their homework, play games, eat snacks, and just hang out! Many of you have expressed an interest in helping out and/or teaching a life skill. Please sign up for a time to help out!


Meal Train for Margaret Heyl

Please consider providing a meal either by cooking or buying a gift card. Click HERE to sign up.


Coming Soon!



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