This Week!
Thursday, January 9 2:30PM-6PM TREKKERS After School Experience Saturday, January 11 10AM-Sanctuary Roy Hulse Visitation 11AM-Sanctuary Roy Hulse Funeral 12PM-Multipurpose Room Roy Hulse Memorial Luncheon Sunday, January 12 9AM-Small Groups Beans and Bags-Room 204 Children's Cafe-Room 206 Youth Group-Room 210 In the Word-Room 108 10AM-Sanctuary Worship Pastor Linda Settles New Board Installation 3PM-Sanctuary Soltau Series-Bach Concert Dr. Jeffrey Heyl | Tuesday, January 14 10AM-Multipurpose Room Tai Chi 2:30-6PM-Multipurpose Room TREKKERS 6PM-Multipurpose Room After Hours Community Band Wednesday, January 15 7:30PM-Sanctuary Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, January 16 2:30-6PM-Multipurpose Room TREKKERS Saturday, January 18 10AM Charge Conference Wentzville United Methodist Church All UMCGT members welcome and encouraged to attend! |
Sunday, January 12 at 3PM
Featuring sections by Bach played by professionals from around the St. Louis region including the St. Lous Symphony Orchestra!
Join us for an afternoon of beautiful music by Bach played by some of St. Louis' best musicians! Admission is always free, but donations of any amount are always welcome to support our music ministry.
Charge Conference
Saturday, January 18
Wentzville UMC
725 Wall St, Wentzville, MO 63385
Come vote on the future of the church and meet Methodists from around the area!

A new challenge for a new year!
Write a verse a day from the Bible. Here is January-click below to print out a copy or use your own notebook!
While the church Board has not formally started the Capital Campaign to pay back the Emergency Fund for the cost of the sanctuary furnace and the roof over the children’s wing, we had some very generous donors who have contributed a total of $36,000 to the costs! Wow! Thank you! We are now halfway to our goal of $70,000, adding the possible gutter and grading costs. The Board will be rolling out the Capital Campaign in January but donations can be made at any time. God works in mysterious ways!
Sign up to help out!
Coming Soon!
SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 11:30AM- Putting your House In Order with Rev. Laura Murphy
SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 4PM-Confirmation Class Parent Information Meeting
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 6-8PM-Friendship Dance
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 11:30AM-Volunteer Appreciation Brunch-new rescheduled date!
FRIDAY, APRIL 4-Trivia Night!
The newsletter is published weekly on Wednesdays. If you would like to submit something to the Newsletter, please email it to no later than the Tuesday before at noon. Thank you!