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Blog & Trail Talk-March 22, 2025

Writer: jei614jei614

From the Ashes of Self

Dr. Linda Settles

 When God created humans he gave us intelligence, emotion, and a free will which enables us to make our own decisions, to make our own choices. Humanity was created for God’s Glory.

…everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.

Isaiah 43:7

So, God draws us to Himself, and the best way that we can glorify God is to choose to freely worship Him. The born-again believer is not only freed from the chains of sin and death, but we have also been given kingdom authority to minister in the name of Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Can you believe it? You have the power to minister to others in the power of the Holy Spirit. We have the power to serve others!

But in order to do that, in the way in which God intends for us to serve, we must exercise something called self-control. We don’t like to work on ourselves too much, do we? We would rather fix what’s wrong with others than work on ourselves. But self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, in which we all should operate.

…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things.

Galatians 5:22-23

Our “self” is not governed by the law, but by the Spirit. As believers, we must put off our old selves, the ways in which we used to act, and put on our new selves, walking in the Spirit.

25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit.

 26 Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another.

Galatians 5:25-26

Rather than being self-absorbed, we must be self-less, looking to the needs of others. Asking, “How may I serve you?” 

I hope you will join me on Sunday as we continue our Lenten sermon series: From the Ashes. This Sunday marks the third Sunday of Lent. The sermon title: From the Ashes of Self: How May I Serve You? I’ll see you in the Sanctuary! 

Lenten Offering goes through Easter. This is above your regular giving. It is a sacrificial giving that the board usually designates for a particular cause or need. This year, the board has once again designated it for the youth and children’s ministries. This will help ensure that our young people have vibrant ministry so that they, too, become deeply rooted disciples! Please designate “Lenten Offering” when giving.

Ministry Leaders Meeting will be after worship, this Sunday, March 23. This is a time for those who are leading a ministry to get to know one another and to vision how we can collaborate on ministry in the future.

Churchwide Bible Study! We’ve talked about who God is and what makes humans unique. Well, what went wrong? What happened to the idyllic relationship between God and humans? Let’s talk about it on Wednesday, from 6:30-7:30pm. Whether you’re a long-time disciple or new to the faith, this course is sure to strengthen you on your faith journey! No book is required for purchase. Study guides will be made available for each of the 6 weeks. Potluck dinner (optional) will be available from 5:45-6:15pm, or come for class at 6:30p. Let’s pack the MPR, because the church that studies together stays together! Check out the trailer:

Trekkers our outreach to youth, will host a community open house on April 5! The event will go from 10am-2pm. If you signed up to volunteer already, please adjust the date to April 5. Our intent is to recruit students and get parental consent, so that we can begin to serve our young people in creative ways. If you haven’t signed up to be a volunteer, WE NEED YOU! Just see Pastor Linda for the April 5 event and I’ll get you signed up! And please help us recruit by letting your neighbors know what’s happening. This is for middle school and high school students. 

Save the Date! GT will once again dine out together! We had so much fun at the Mellow Mushroom, that we decided to do it again. So, on April 8, we will dine out at Maggie O’Brien’s. More details will come later. 

Vision for 2025:

Deeply Rooted:

Growing Through Discipleship!


Pastor Linda

This Week!

Sunday, March 23

9AM-Small Groups

Beans and Bags-Room 204

Children's Cafe-Room 206

Youth Group-Room 210

 In the Word-Room 108



From the Ashes of Self

Pastor Linda Settles


Ministry Leaders Meeting

Monday, March 17

6:30PM-Conference Room

Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 18

10AM-Multipurpose Room

Tai Chi

6PM-Multipurpose Room

After Hours Community Band


UWF General Meeting


Wednesday, March 19





What is a Christian?

We Need You!

Please fill out the Volunteer Survey to let us know where you'd like to help out!

Please return to Claudia or put in the offering on Sunday!



We host an annual party for our neighbors to celebrate God's love for us and teach them about the week between Palm Sunday through Easter! We'll have egg hunts, food, crafts and more! We're partnering with the Missouri House Rabbit Rescue who are bringing their bunnies to be petted and played with! We're making bunny treats for MOHRR and also gathering paper towels and white vinegar to help with the MOHRR mission.  We will have Resurrection eggs to teach everyone about the week.  

We need people to help in all areas.  The egg hunt will be outside, but the other events will be inside upstairs in the children's wing.  

We also need donations so please sign up for that if you can't come  Those can be  dropped off at the Giving Table downstairs by the main entrance. 

Thank you for your help and remember to invite all your friends!!

Please Click Here to Sign Up to help out! We need all hands on deck!

We are kicking off our Trekker's program with a Saturday Experience for the kids! 
We are kicking off our Trekker's program with a Saturday Experience for the kids! 

Here's the schedule for the day: 

10AM open gym

10:30-11:30 Class 1

11:30-12 lunch

12:30-1:30 Class 2

1:30-2 open gym

We need teachers and helpers that day.  Please note that you must be Safe Gatherings Certified. Please click here to get certified

Thank you! 


Sign up for Feed the Need!

Registration opens February 24th

A Group of UMCGT is going on the afternoon of April 12th



TUESDAY, APRIL 8-Maggie O'Brien's Fundraiser

SUNDAY, APRIL 13-1-3PM-Eggstravaganza

FRIDAY, APRIL 18-Good Friday Service

SUNDAY, APRIL 20- Easter Sunday!

Please note: Trivia Night is being rescheduled for October. A day and time will be announced soon.



Churchwide Bible Study!

Lenten study: What is a Christian?

Potluck at 5:45p, class from 6:30-7:30p

This study is part of RightNow Media's Essentials of Faith series. It answers key questions of the Christian faith such as:

Who is God?

What makes humans unique?

What went wrong?

Who is Jesus?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is a Christian?

This study is good for all who believe in Jesus, whether you've been following Him for years or you're new to the faith.

Grow in your discipleship and get deeply rooted with us!


A new challenge for a new year!

Write a verse a day from the Bible. Here is January-click below to print out a copy or use your own notebook!



The Roof Replacement is complete!


Sign up to help out!

Camp Registration is OPEN!

Scholarships and Financial Assistance are Always Available.

Just let us know at

MT Camp

Multiple Child discount: $250/ 1st child, $225 each additional child

Pathfinder Camp

Multiple Child discount: $200/ 1st child, $175each additional child


The newsletter is published weekly on Saturdays. If you would like to submit something to the Newsletter, please email it to no later than the Friday before at noon. Thank you!



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