This Week!
Today, December 4 9AM-1PM Multipurpose Room Candy Making 6:30PM-Advent WOW Everyday Advent Meeting ID: 823 6371 7464 Passcode: 751336 7:30PM-Sanctuary Chancel Choir Rehearsal Thursday, December 5 10AM-12:30PM-Multipurpose Room Cookie Walk Set Up Friday, December 6 12-2:30PM-Multipurpose Room Cookie Walk Set Up Saturday, December 7 9AM-Multipurpose Room Cookie Walk! Come support our UWA by buying beautiful and delicious treats! 11AM-Sanctuary Cantata Rehearsal-Chancel Choir and Orchestra | Sunday, December 8 9AM-Small Groups Beans and Bags-Room 204 Children's Cafe-Room 206 Youth Group-Room 210 In the Word-Room 108 10AM-Sanctuary Worship The Christmas Light Cantata Chancel Choir with Orchestra Unstoppable Peace Dr. Linda Settles Stay after to learn about our new Trekker’s program in collaboration with the Children’s Defense Fund and Provident Behavioral Health! 6PM-Room 210 Youth Group Hang Out Decorate the youth room for the holidays! Tuesday, December 10 10AM-Multipurpose Room Tai Chi |

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 12:30PM- Advent Adventures-Sign up to Help Out or Donate!
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22 10AM- Children's Christmas Presentation
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 5PM-Candelight Christmas Eve Service
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27 10AM-2PM-All Church Work Day
MONDAY, DECEMBER 30 10AM-2PM-All Church Work Day
THURSDAY, JANUARY 2 2:30PM-6PM-Trekkers Open House
SUNDAY, JANUARY 5 11:30AM-New Year's Party and Volunteer Appreciation Brunch
SUNDAY, JANUARY 12 3PM- Soltau Series Bach Concert-with Dr. Jeffrey Heyl!
Missed out on Giving Tuesday?
No problem! There's still time to donate!
Imagine how life-changing it is for a child to feel seen, heard, and valued. That’s what we’re making happen together! Through recreation, life skills, and wellness activities, young people will experience the joy of childhood and have the tools to thrive in life!

We have been promised $17,500 by the Children's Defense Fund and the Missouri Methodist Conference! But in order to receive those funds, we must raise an equal amount. Please help us reach this goal by giving today. This money will go directly to our Trekkers program which provides for the wellness of children and youth.
Meal Train for Margaret Heyl
Please consider providing a meal either by cooking or buying a gift card. Click HERE to sign up.
Green Trails Elementary Choir will come to sing a selection of holiday music. Join us for food, face painting, ornament making, cookie decorating, and more!

Thank you for your support!
We raised $330 just by eating pizza together!
Coming Soon!