This week!
Thursday, October 31 Happy Halloween! 6:30-Sanctuary Glory Ringers Rehearsal
Saturday, November 2nd 10AM-Multipurpose Room | Sunday, November 3 Daylight Savings Ends! All Saints Sunday Set your clocks back! 9AM Beans and Bags-Room 204 Children's Cafe-Room 206 In the Word-Room 108 Friends of Barnabas-Room 109 Youth Group-Room 111
10AM-Sanctuary Worship Pass It On Pastor Linda Settles 11:30AM-Sanctuary/Narthex Come celebrate Dr. Jeffrey Heyl's last service with us! 6PM-Room 111 Youth Group Hang Out | Monday, November 4 1PM-Conference Room
Tuesday, November 5 Election Day! Vote! 10AM-Multipurpose Room Tai Chi 6PM-Multipurpose Room Community Band Practice
Wednesday, November 6 5:45PM-Multipurpose Room Potluck Dinner 6:30PM-Multipurpose Room Emotionally Healthy Discipleship Pastors Linda and Antonio Settles Zoom Mtg ID: 833 8344 7105 Passcode 275144 7:30PM-Conference Room Next Sunday Veteran's Sunday! |
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 11:30AM-Veteran's Recognition Brunch
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 11AM-9PM Mellow Mushroom Fundraiser
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 5:30PM-Service of Remembrance
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24 5PM-Candelight Christmas Eve Service
Join us to find out more about the project we're unrolling in association with the Children's Defense Fund and in partner with Provident Behavioral Health!
Dr. Jeffrey Heyl
After 15+ years of dedicated service, Dr. Heyl has accepted a new position as Director of Worship and Music with Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church. If you would like to see his announcement to the congregation you can view it here, at the 1:09:00 mark.
Thank you, Dr. Heyl, for your gifts of service and music and sharing your beautiful spirit and laugh with us for so many years!
If you would like to give a gift you can do so by dropping it off to the office during the week or put it in the designated basket at the information desk on Sunday.
Not tech savvy? Sign up for a training session! Learn how to:
update your personal and family profiles on Icon
use the Icon app and use the online directory
become a member of our website
join our Regulars group
download and use the Wix Spaces app
use Canva to design marketing materials for your group
advertise events to the greater St. Louis
get started with Safe Gatherings
Anything else you need help with!
November 7 is next week!
Please bring in your boxes of Bisquick, large or small! You can leave them on the giving table during the week or on the information desk on Sunday. Thank you for
your generosity!
Green Trails Meals is Back!!
We are feeding 3 families this year!
Please click below to sign up to provide meals and/or deliver them to the school.
Thank you for your generosity!