This Week
See you tonight for Wow!
We will be wrapping up our Dreamweavers Session and making stars.
Wednesday, February 7 5:45-Multipurpose Room Potluck Dinner 6:30-Multipurpose Room WOW Discussion Coming Soon! Sunday, February 11 11:30 AM-Multipurpose Room Wednesday, February 14 11AM-1PM Parking Lot Ash and Dash Drive Through Imposition of Ashes 6PM-Sanctuary Ash Wednesday Service Friday, February 23rd 6PM-10PM-Multipurpose Room Saturday, February 24th 9AM-4:30PM-Multipurpose Room | Sunday, February 11th Plug in your soup! 9AM-Upstairs Prayer and Anointing-Prayer Room Bean Buddies-Room 204 Kid's Cafe-Room 206 9AM-Downstairs Wisdom Seekers-Room 1-8 Friends of Barnabas-Room 109 Youth Cafe-Room 111
10AM-Sanctuary Worship! Communion Sunday! Everyone is welcome at God's Table! 11:15AM-ish-Multipurpose Room SOUPER BOWL!! Donations of any amount will go toward updating the youth room! Followed by SOS! We will wrap up our series and make stars! Everyone is welcome!
4PM-Conference Room No Confirmation Class this week. Go Chiefs! or 49ers! |
Get Involved
Wednesday WOW Wednesdays at 6:30PM
Coming Soon: Two New Lenten Studies for Wednesday WOW Starts February 21st
Forgiveness with Rod Harris Outcasts with Lea Doyel
Brand New Class! Tuesdays at 10AM Lenten Study with Pastor Linda Starts February 20th |

Dear F4O family-
Good evening.
I hope you will be inspired. In peace-Wayne203.417.7362

This year we will once again gather as a community of women for the IF:Gathering women’s conference! It will be Friday evening, February 23, and Saturday, February 24. Spirit-filled worship, engaging speakers, and a little sister-time are on the agenda. Registration is $15 and college students are free!

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday we are partnering with Union Memorial UMC again to collect and donate new books for the Pierre Laclede Academy library. The books we collect should either be written by African Americans or written for African American students. The students are elementary and middle schoolers, and they especially need books for the older boys. The collection has started and will continue to the end of February.

Weekly family meals are back!
The kids and families really appreciate all you do for them!
Thank you for your generosity!
Continuing Education
Have you ever wondered how this movement of Methodism started, how and why we do what we do and how we do it, at the local, district and Conference level? This class unpacks the history of Methodism, along with why we believe what we believe, and the “how’s and why’s” of why we are organized the way we are. This is a great class for all laity to understand who the people called Methodists really are. The four-week class will be taught by Rev. Steve Jones (Camdenton UMC).

Getting to Know YOU!
Join us in our exploration of the shared experiences and unique members of this church.
This week we got to know each other better by answering a series of questions. Whether you were able to attend the sessions or not, we would love to share your answers!
Answers will be posted in the Narthex.

This is US!-Getting to know YOU
Make your Collage for our Narthex!
As part of our Getting to know YOU-This is US! we will be displaying personal collages in the narthex without names so people can guess who they are!
Here's how to make a collage about you-
Cut out pictures from a magazine or print out pictures you find online.
Paste them onto an 11x17 sheet of paper (available in the narthex)
Add glitter if you so desire! You may also use stickers, buttons, fabric, etc. Be creative!
If you prefer, you can send your pictures in an 11x17 document to jei@umcgt.org and she can print them out on the color copier.
The things you choose should represent some part of you-your history, what you've done and where you've been, what you like/enjoy, what you do, what you want to do, etc. For instance, in this collage, the cute raccoon represents the maker's mother both because her mother likes this cartoon and because her mother is similar to this character.
Contact jei@umcgt.org if you have any questions or need help or supplies!
