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Weekly Newsletter Friday, February 16

Writer: jei614jei614

Dr. Linda Settles


This Week

Sunday, February 18th


Bean Buddies-Room 204

Kid's Cafe-Room 206

Tuesday, February 20

10AM-Conference Room

Lenten Study on Habakkuk

with Pastor Linda


In the Word-Room 108

Friends of Barnabas-Room 109

Youth Cafe-Room 111 (please meet in Kids Cafe, Room 206, then we'll go downstairs together.)

10AM-Multipurpose Room

Tai Chi

6PM-Multipurpose Room

Community Band 



Dr. Mark Dalbey

Wednesday, February 21

5:45PM-Multipurpose Room

Potluck Dinner

6:30PM-Multipurpose Room

WOW-New Lenten Studies

Forgiveness with Rod Harris

Outcasts with Lea Doyel

Monday, February 19

The office is closed for the President’s Day Holiday

Friday, February 23rd

6PM-10PM-Multipurpose Room

If Gathering

Saturday, February 24th

9AM-4:30PM-Multipurpose Room

If Gathering

Get Involved


Wednesday WOW

Wednesdays at 6:30PM

Two New Lenten Studies 

Starts February 21st

Forgiveness with Rod Harris

Outcasts with Lea Doyel

Brand New Class!

Tuesdays at 10AM

Starts February 20th 

Habakkuk with Pastor Linda

The IF: 2024 Gathering is this week! Sign up here:


United Women of Faith Updates!

UWF Reading Group Tues. Feb. 27 9:30 am - 10:00 am Room 121

UWF General Meeting Tues. Feb. 27 10:00 am – 11: 30 am Room 206

UWF Leadership Team Tues. Mar 12 9:00 am - 10:00 am Room 201

UWF Assemble Easter Baskets Thurs Mar 22 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm MPR

UWF General Meeting Tues. Mar 26 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Room 206

Speaker from Lydia’s House

UWF Reading Group Tues. April 17 9:30 am - 10:00 am Room 121

The general meeting for UWF will be held on Tuesday, February 27 at 10 am

In Room 206. (Please note room change)

The featured speaker is Matt Schindler from St. Louis Community Gardens. This organization is a non-profit that supports more than 250 community and school gardens throughout the St. Louis region. Forty years ago they came together to provide communities with the tools, education, and empowerment to grow their own food. All women of the church are invited and encouraged to bring a friend. With Spring around the corner, it’s a great time to about opportunities to serve while gardening and about available

classes and networking opportunities. There will be a freewill offering.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday we are partnering with Union Memorial UMC again to collect and donate new books for the Pierre Laclede Academy library. The books we collect should either be written by African Americans or written for African American students. The students are elementary and middle schoolers, and they especially need books for the older boys. The collection has started and will continue to the end of February.

Weekly family meals are back!

The kids and families really appreciate all you do for them!

Thank you for your generosity!

Continuing Education

Have you ever wondered how this movement of Methodism started, how and why we do what we do and how we do it, at the local, district and Conference level? This class unpacks the history of Methodism, along with why we believe what we believe, and the “how’s and why’s” of why we are organized the way we are. This is a great class for all laity to understand who the people called Methodists really are. The four-week class will be taught by Rev. Steve Jones (Camdenton UMC).



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