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When Christmas Isn't Christmas

Writer's picture: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles

What makes Christmas seem like Christmas to you? Is it the songs of the season? Perhaps it’s the movies (is Die Hard really a Christmas movie?), or maybe it’s the decorations and the peppermint added to various treats. Whatever it is that makes Christmas seem like Christmas to you, imagine if it were all taken away.

That’s the story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. That mean old grinch stole the gifts, decorations, and even the food from the Who’s because the Grinch HATED Christmas! But what the Grinch didn’t count on was that the Who’s would celebrate Christmas anyway!

Much to his dismay, he heard them singing. I guess the moral of the story could be that no one can steal what’s in your heart. They had Christmas in their hearts. They weren’t caught up in the trappings of Christmas. So, what is the lesson for us? 

I love everything about Christmas – the decorations, the food, the giving of gifts – but every year I am reminded that Christmas is so much more than that. Christmas is our celebration of the Christ Child, the One who was born for us, who lived for us, and who died for us.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior,

who is Christ the Lord.

Luke 2:11

Maybe the Who’s had it right. Christmas is about the celebration with family and friends, not the things. For us, it’s about joining heart to heart and sharing the joy of the love that came down from Heaven in the form of a little bitty baby, the Prince of Peace. 

What if you started a new Christmas tradition this year? Maybe reading the Luke 2 story before dinner or showing the clip of the Charlie Brown movie where Linus recites it by heart. May we remember the reason for the season. For unto us a child is born, a Son is given…and He shall reign forever and ever!

Advent Events We’ll have special music leading up to Christmas, including the children, youth, and a few special guests.

Advent Adventures will be on Sunday, December 17. We’ll have the blessing of the animals, so bring your pet out! Also, the Green Trails Elementary School Choir will bless us and there’ll be Christmas Karaoke, cocoa and more!!!! 

WOW: The churchwide Advent study continues: The Heart That Grew Three Sizes. It’s based on the Seuss favorite How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Could it be that the one thing we hate is the one thing that changes our lives? Join us for a lively discussion, video, and meal at 6:30pm, with a potluck dinner at 5:45pm.

Christmas Eve we will celebrate twice! We will have our regular Sunday morning worship at 10:00am. Then we will return at 5:00pm for a time of carol singing, storytelling, and candle lighting. There will be no service on Christmas Day.


Pastor Linda

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10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

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