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WWW Willing Workers Wanted

Writer: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles

Since the pandemic of 2020-2021, we have seen signs of recovery. New businesses are popping up and employment numbers are on the rise. Companies seem to be hiring again because I’ve seen lots of signs that say: Now Hiring. A sign of making a turn for the better.

The same is true of the church. We have also seen signs of recovery coming out of the pandemic. First, worshiping in the prayer garden, then coming inside masked, and now worshiping masks optional. A sign of making a turn for the better. How did it happen? You were willing to trust the leadership of the church, willing to follow the direction of your pastor, and willing to stay connected to the body by any means necessary! And we made it through, praise God!

In Matthew’s gospel, he shows us what it means to be a willing worker by using the example of Jesus. Matthew expounds on the towns and villages Jesus entered, where He preached, taught, and healed people. It didn’t matter if it was a large crowd or one blind beggar, Jesus was willing to help. In Matthew 9, we see Jesus reflecting on the need for willing workers in His harvest field, the bountiful rewards that come with serving God, and the clarion call to be a willing worker.

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful 

but the workers are few.”  

Matthew 9:37

I invite you to look around, friends. The harvest is ripe. There are people who are in need of hearing about hope, peace, and joy. In your own circles there are people who are in need of what you have – the love of Jesus! Jesus knew that the harvest wasn’t the problem. The problem is in finding willing workers to go into the field. See if this sounds familiar:

I’m too young.

I’m too old.

I don’t have enough experience.

I’ve done that for so long that I’m tired.

And yet, God’s field is still ripe for the harvest. The question is, who will care for them? A couple of months ago I planted over 72 seeds in a tray. It had a plastic dome that gave it a greenhouse effect. I was so excited to think that soon I would have basil, oregano, and 72 seedlings of herbs to watch grow and to use for cooking. Then I got sick. And when you’re not feeling well, the last thing we think about is tending to seedlings! I saw a few of them sprout up, tall and tender. But I didn’t have the energy to care for them. 

What happened to them, you ask? Well, you know the end of this story. By the time I was able to tend to them, there were no seedlings sprouted at all! Not one! Those that had sprung up were not transplanted in time, so they died. And without constant watering, the seed tray dried up and so did the seeds. All 72 of them!

Church, the harvest is plentiful. We all know folks who are in need of a real, personal connection with Jesus. People who don’t know which way to go. Sons and daughters looking for direction in their lives. The fields are ripe, yet it’s hard to find workers to connect with them. Jesus had an answer for that:

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, 

to send out workers into His harvest field.”

Matthew 9:38

The answer – pray, church, pray! Pray for God to send willing workers into the world, but also pray to BE one of the willing workers that God can use. Willing to give your time, your talent, and your resources out of your love for God and for the cause of His kingdom. Channel the spirit of Isaiah who said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8). Jeremiah wasn’t too young, Sarah wasn’t too old, and even Moses’ stuttering didn’t disqualify him. I can see the sign now: Willing Workers Wanted! Will you apply?

Join me on Sunday as we begin a new sermon series on Body Building, building the body of Christ. This Sunday is WWW (Willing Workers Wanted). I’ve been gone for 2 Sundays, and I can’t wait to worship with you! 

Membership Sunday is being rescheduled for the end of September. Stay tuned for a firm date. We will receive new members into the body of Christ and the faith community of Green Trails! If you have been considering joining, transferring your membership, or reaffirming your membership vows, this is your Sunday! Please contact Pastor Linda at 314-324-8405 or and let’s build the kingdom of God together!

Happy Grandparents Day!  To all grandparents and those who share their love with so many, we celebrate you today!

WOW Returns This Wednesday, Sept. 11, we will begin our next semester of the Word on Wednesday (WOW). The book we will discuss is: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero. This semester we will do a joint class with Union Memorial, so we are offering in-house as well as a Zoom option. The newsletter has the Zoom information if you prefer. The in-house gathering will include a potluck meal at 5:45p and the class will go from 6:30-7:30p. 

During WOW we will offer a special prayer in remembrance of 9/11.

Thank you for your prayers during my recent illness. I felt each one of them! And thank you to those who stood in the gap – Rev. John House III and Dr. Jeffrey Heyl. Thank you for your willingness to let God use you to share a message with the people of Green Trails!

Coffee with the Pastor This Tuesday, from 10:00-11:00am, stop by the church for a little coffee and conversation with me. I would love for us to dialogue on questions you might have and get to know one another better! I’ll be upstairs in the lobby, near the coffee pot!

Vision for 2024:

A House United: 

Strong Faith, Strong Families, Strong Future!


Pastor Linda



We are an Open Hearts, Open Doors, Open Minds UMC dedicated to making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  




10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

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